Thursday, 1 August 2019

Antonov, C17 and some sport models

Some odds and sods being take care of now that the major builds for this year are done with.  First off, the Antonov engine parts.  The paper cups have been chopped to length, primed, then sprayed silver :

I printed 6 off spiders to hold these in the ABS engines :

And here is one mounted in the engine.  A bit of glue, then they're all done :

I bought a small sport model from Silencemodel in France, called the CeePee.  A smart little thing, and a complete CNCkit with hardware too:

All built:

Covering started:

Finished and ready for servos.  Removable wings and tailplane (all-flying tail), should weigh about 220g AUW :

Some mods to the C17.  I've decided to delete the top surface spoilers, due to the complexity and doubts about their stiffness at this scale.  I filled the pockets with soft half-inch sheet, carved them flat, and wiped over with some lightweight filler.  Just a little bit of glass over that, and the it's time to continue with the flap canoes:

A bit of a mix, but the C17 is now firmly back on the bench.

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